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  • Get creative on climate action – join PEC Pals!

Get creative on climate action – join PEC Pals!

Alex R
09th Jul 2022
IMG 2492

Do you want to use your creativity to respond to climate and energy challenges? Feeling a little lost in the face of it all and looking for some mutual support? Then join PEC Pals. We are running a 7 week funded program to help you release your creativity in response to the city’s climate and energy crisis, delivered in collaboration with our friends at the Art & Energy Collective. At the end of the program, funding to continue three projects of £1,500 each will keep your ideas growing!

We have 20 places to start on August 12th 2022. You’ll need to commit to attending all of the sessions to snag a space. The Climate Hub in the centre of town is the venue, so let us know if you need help to attend or participate fully. Lunch included.

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Find out more

Click the read more button below to see dates and what each session will involve: