Future Fit

Retrofit your home to make it fit for the future

Our trusted retrofit advice service offers impartial advice and bespoke solutions, helping you upgrade your home, save on energy bills and dramatically reduce your environmental impact.

We work with trusted local partners, including Plymouth City Council, to help our local community stay warm and save money by retrofitting their homes.

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We offer impartial advice to help you start your retrofit journey

If you’re just starting out on your retrofit journey, it can be difficult to know what to do first.

We can help you formulate a step-by-step approach, so you get the best results for you and your home.

A home visit from one of our expert advisors can help you understand what energy efficiency measures you could install, how your home is built, the likely causes of issues your property is experiencing and their potential remedies. 


What to expect from a home visit

Our friendly and knowledgeable Retrofit Advisors will spend 45 - 90 minutes with you at your home to identify and discuss key issues and opportunities for retrofit. Our advice is bespoke to your property.

Our home visits can help with:

  • Understanding your energy needs and aspirations for your property
  • Which retrofit measures are best suited to your home - such as insulation, solar panels and heat pumps
  • Advice on grants you may be eligible for
  • Solutions to issues such as damp and mould, condensation or underheating

Give us a call to arrange a home visit using the link below:

Grant Funding Eligibility Tool

Interested to see if you may be eligible for any grants that can help with the cost of retrofitting your home? Complete our eligibility tool to find out more. 

What is retrofit?

Retrofit is the process of making alterations to an existing building to improve its energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Retrofit is sometimes also referred to as home upgrade. 

These improvements make your home easier to heat, able to retain heat for longer, and provide options for replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy.  

Retrofit measures include:

  • Improving insulation in walls, roofs, and floors.
  • Enhancing ventilation to manage indoor air quality. 
  • Upgrading heating systems to more efficient ones. 
  • Installing double or triple-glazed windows to reduce heat loss. 
  • Sealing gaps to prevent drafts and improve comfort. 

With high energy bills continuing to have an impact on most households, retrofitting could help you make energy cost savings. 

By working together to create warmer homes and lower heating costs, we’re all contributing towards the fight against climate change.

Scroll across below to watch more about our client's home upgrades and find out more about how it all works.  

Is there any funding available?

We may be able to match you up with grant funding to support retrofit measures.

At present, there is a government funding programme for homes not heated by mains gas.

If you own your home and meet eligibility criteria, you will not have to pay anything towards the costs for the measures identified as providing the best improvement. 

If you’re in privately rented accommodation and meet eligibility criteria, you will need to ask your landlord to apply. But we can give you some top tips on how to approach this subject. 

Grants come and go and eligibility criteria are also subject to changes, so our commitment to you is to provide the best advice and support at any given time.

How do I know if I’m eligible?

We’ve created a funding eligibility tool to help you discover what improvements in your home could be funded.

This funding is open to households who meet the following criteria: 

  • do not use mains gas for heating;
  • either live in an eligible postcode area (we can check this for you) OR have a total gross annual household income of £36,000 or less;
  • Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is rated D, E, F or G (we can help you to find the rating for your property).

Is any other support available?

We are also offering a free Retrofit Advice Service to Plymouth residents.  

This new fully funded service offers a free home advice visit carried out by one or two of our friendly advisors. The visit can last 45-90 minutes and will involve a walk around your home with you to identify and discuss any key issues, problems, and opportunities. 

The visit will help with:  

  • Initial advice on home upgrades you might want to consider, such as insulation, solar panels or a heat pump. 
  • Advice on other areas including insulation, ventilation and heating systems.  
  • Addressing any issues, such as condensation, damp, underheating or overheating.  

What happens after a home visit?   

Following the visit, you should have a better understanding of your home, how it’s built, potential causes of issues you could be experiencing and the kinds of upgrades that are available to you to improve it. We can then support you to decide the next step on your journey to a warmer home that’s better for the environment!  

How do I book a retrofit advice visit?   

If you would like to book a call with a Retrofit Advisor to discuss your home and arrange a free retrofit advice visit, you can contact us or click the button below to use the online booking tool.

Phone: 01752 477990  

Email: futurefit@plymouthenergycommunity.com  

FutureFit information events

Want to find out more? Our advisors will be offering drop in events across the city. Visit our events page to see where and when.

How we use your data

You can read our privacy policy here to learn about how we will use your data when you access our Future Fit Service.