Frontline Workers

This page is for Plymouth's frontline workers. Here you'll find our referral forms and how we can help

Our Energy Team offer a free to all advice service to support people with energy issues in Plymouth. We work with frontline workers in the city to help residents tackle energy issues they may be facing.

Evidence shows a strong link between good health and wellbeing and a healthy home. If you are supporting a resident that has energy issues, we can work alongside them, and you, to resolve it.

We will always prioritise people who are in a ‘no heat’ situation or at risk of self-disconnection.

We can provide mediation with suppliers, landlords and housing associations where needed.

We can also apply for energy related grants, energy efficiency measures, schemes to tackle cold, damp homes and to maximise income.

How help is given

  • By phone
  • By email to
  • In the home – we offer home visits if otherwise access to support by PEC is not possible. Please ask for an appointment with a PEC Advisor.
  • In the community, at accessible events in the city – details are on our website and newsletter.

Our Referral Forms

Our Energy Team referral form can be found below. 

If the issue requires us to speak to an energy company please also send in a completed Form of Authority, also below.

Please send completed referrals to

If you would like to contact the Livewell Warm homes team please email

Energy Team Referral Form (pdf)

Energy Team Referral Form (word doc)

PEC Energy Team Referral Form 2024 v1

For completing digitally.

Energy Team Form of Authority

Livewell Warm Homes Referral

DWP Household Support Fund 5 is now open - by referral only

PEC is able to offer essential energy related help for those most affected by cold and damp homes through the Department of Work and Pension’s Household Support Fund 5.

This support can only be accessed through frontline worker referral, we are unable to accept self-referrals.

Our referral partners include:

Livewell Southwest, Wolseley Trust, University Hospitals Plymouth, Food Plymouth Partners, Stroke Association, Colebrook Southwest, PATH, PCC Children Young People and Families service, DCRS, Highbury Trust, Wellbeing hubs and other disability related organisations.

You can request a referral form by emailing: