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  • We've got planning approval to build 70 affordable zero carbon homes

We've got planning approval to build 70 affordable zero carbon homes

Alex R
14th Dec 2021
KT Masterplan 3

Our first venture into building community-owned, affordable, zero carbon homes has received the go ahead from the planning authority.

Our net-zero ambitions and wider One Planet Living design principles will now be integrated across a wider area with a total scheme of up 70 homes. A new application was submitted for preliminary planning approval (known as reserved matters) and, after a tense debate at planning committee, we are delighted to share that it has been approved.

Huge thanks to our fantastic PEC Homes Board, team and advisors for their hard work to make this happen. This seal of approval from Plymouth City Council in an important step on the journey.

Entering the detailed design phase

Earlier in the year, we were contracted by Innovate UK to explore the market’s appetite for building homes using the innovative Energiesprong approach. Energiesprong is a straightforward, pragmatic and flexible approach, applicable to a wide range of situations and house types. It is not a commercial product or brand; no company, product, technology or materials are specified, just the outcomes that everyone needs: warm, affordable, desirable, net zero homes.

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The Kings Tamerton project will be the first new-build scheme to use the Energiesprong approach in England, and so we needed to understand whether this was a realistic ambition. The research allowed us to demonstrate that there is significant interest in this approach and has helped us to embed the design, build and guarantee principles that we intend to use within our contracts.

To help choose the right team to work with us to design and build the homes to the Energiesprong standards, we have secured funds to support an exciting design competition which will see three candidates compete for the opportunity to work with us to build the homes by demonstrating how they will innovatively and creatively meet our net-zero requirements.

The biodiversity net gain is brilliant and we are agreeing to 70 net zero homes for the city and very few of these homes will be sold so they will be affordable. I am excited for the environment and the affordability and 70 homes to rent which the city is crying out for.

Councillor Rebecca Smith, Chairman of the Planning Committee

This is brilliant! It a major milestone in enabling us to deliver not only much needed affordable homes in Plymouth but homes which will be well designed, highly energy efficient and have a very low carbon footprint.

Clive Turner - Chair, PEC Homes

Next steps

Once the detailed design is finalised, we will take it back to the planning authority for final approval. Later in 2022, we hope to offer the community a chance to own the scheme by launching a community share offer. All going well, we will start building in 2023.

The key dates are outlined in this graphic.

K Ttimeline

Find out more about the project and ways that you can get involved here: