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Watch our Green Homes Grant Webinar!

Alex R
30th Oct 2020
PEC Blockhouse 02 Foto Plus

The Green Homes Grant Scheme will provide an opportunity for people in Plymouth to make their homes warmer, to permanently lower energy bills and reduce carbon emissions. It offers householders:

  • Up to £10,000 to cover 100% of the costs if you receive a qualifying benefit (based on income or other vulnerability).
  • Up to £5,000 to cover two-thirds of the costs for all other homeowners, or landlords (tenants can asked their landlord to apply).

Plymouth Energy Community delivered an online talk about the scheme on Monday 12th October, and if you missed it you can catch up here.

The talk digested the official guidance as the scheme launched. It covered:

  • What the scheme offers,
  • What measures you could install,
  • How to access good advice about your home,
  • Risks in retrofitting your home,
  • Finding a good installer.

Can PEC offer me personalised advice about my home?
Unfortunately we cannot. The interest in the Green Homes Grant is huge and our team of advisors are completely busy helping households in Plymouth that are at risk of energy debt or falling into ill health due to their cold home. The talk covered where you may be able to access personalised advice, which your voucher can pay for.