Plymouth Energy Community

Code of conduct

This provides a set of guidelines that members of PEC must abide by in order to participate in meetings and at events or workshops. This Code applies to members, Directors and staff.

Plymouth Energy Community (PEC) is an umbrella term covering the following organisations: PEC Trust, Plymouth Energy Community Ltd, PEC Renewables Ltd and their wholly owned subsidiaries. All of these organisations are covered in this document under the term Plymouth Energy Community (PEC).

1. Personal Conduct

1.1 All members, Directors and staff must:

  • Show respect and be courteous to each other, PEC staff and Board members
  • Allow each other the opportunity to speak and appropriately contribute
  • Support and assist other PEC members in seeking the best possible solution to problems being discussed
  • Follow the agenda at meetings and help each other reach effective decisions
  • Make any requests for reports, data and information in line with Data Protection Policy.

2. Confidentiality
2.1 The confidentiality of customers, staff and the organisation and any data provided by the organisation must be treated with respect and care.
2.2 The work of PEC may involve dealing with issues that are sensitive from their individual perspective. Discretion and care must be exercised in performing duties and responsibilities, both within and outside of the meetings.

3. Discrimination
3.1 No discrimination on any grounds against any other member of PEC and the public will be allowed, and discriminatory language will not be used in discussions.
3.2 All those who attend meetings have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other matter (in accordance with the 9 protected characteristics).

4. Conflicts of interest
4.1 Members, Directors and Staff should abide by the PEC Conflicts of Interest policy.

5. Breach of Code of Conduct
5.1 The Chair will introduce each agenda item and will be responsible for balancing the need to ensure all members can put forward their views with the level of detail they wish, and the need to move the business of the meeting forward. The Chair will introduce Members in the order that they have expressed their wish to speak.
5.2 Members must act appropriately and treat people and organisations with respect; never being derogatory in their speech or manner.
5.3 Members must act in a way that is fair and unbiased, in the public interest, and not seek to gain any advantage for themselves, family or friends.
5.4 Members must allow everyone to take part without interruption or intimidation and treat everyone equally.
5.5 Members must not act or speak in a way that may be perceived as bullying, abusive, or discriminatory.
5.6 The Chair has the right to ask a Member to leave a meeting, temporarily or for the remainder of the meeting if their behaviour does not meet the requirements.
5.7 If the Member refuses to leave, the Chair has the right to adjourn the meeting.
5.8 If a Member has been requested to leave but does not agree with this decision, they must however leave the meeting and follow the grievance policy to address their concerns.