Plymouth Energy Community

Healthy Homes 2016

Assessing the impact of poor housing on health

During 2016, we used funding from the Healthy Homes Fund (British Gas Energy Trust) to help over 100 households, assessing the impact that poor housing can have on health.

Healthy Homes group shot

What we did

  • We worked alongside Plymouth City Council, Public Health, and Livewell Southwest (formerly Plymouth Community Healthcare) to address the impact that poor housing can have on health.
  • We recruited two full-time, fixed-term case workers to provide a holistic approach to the issues faced.
  • They worked with individuals, referred from local health services, who have existing health conditions exacerbated by the cold or damp, such as respiratory problems and cardiovascular disease.
  • They provided bespoke advice, as well as oversee the installation of physical measures into homes, such as heating systems and ventilation to ensure homes can be kept warm and dry.
  • The project was evaluated by Public Health England.

The impact

  • Over 100 households were visited.
  • A report was submitted to Public Health England, showing both the positive impact on an individual’s health and return on investment, with key targets being a reduction in GP visits and hospital admissions.