- Pec In Action /
- Solar Schools
Solar Schools
We've partnered up with the wonderful team at Earth Energy Education to offer local primary schools workshops and the opportunity to 'get hands on' with solar at Ernesettle.
The annual programme runs in the spring term and we offer places for the workshops initially to schools who have one of our rooftop solar installations. If there are places remaining after this they are offered to all other primary schools in Plymouth.

Children and staff join us for a session on site and have some fun and informative challenges to complete. Firstly, they explore the journey of electricity from the sun to their homes, are wowed by the number of homes powered, the number of panels and the engineering involved to fit these on site. They have an opportunity to touch the panels, look at data on the inverter boxes and note the cameras, fences and signs designed to keep the site safe and secure. They also learn about all the jobs linked to renewable energy and think about how their interests and skills could be useful in the future.
The programme continues back in the classroom, discussing the visit to the array, renewable energy, the impact of fossil fuels and how global warming is affecting wildlife all over the world.
The children have fun, practical challenges to complete: lots of solar toys to test and review; solar electricity kits to investigate; looking at how to power bulbs, buzzers and motors using solar panels; an investigation into their own power consumption and the chance to use multi meters to find the best place to put a solar cell. They come up with wonderful ideas to reduce their own power consumption at home.