• It’s All About People Power

    Empowering our community to create a fair, affordable, zero carbon energy system with local people at its heart

    Dommoore 2023 pec torbridge WEB3
  • Future Fit Banner image 2024

    Upgrade your home

    Get free impartial retrofit advice and find out if you are eligible for home upgrade grants

The PEC family

We are a family of organisations made up of members who want a better future for our community and planet.


We are a charity and a social enterprise, with a cooperative ethos.


Plymouth Energy Community is our over-arching charitable organisation, responsible for most of our day to day activities. It is supported by PEC Renewables and PEC Homes.

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PEC Ethical Awards side

PEC In Action

Learn more about our mission and the many ways we have positive impact on communities across Plymouth.

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  • Tackling Fuel Poverty

    Since we started in 2013, we've helped over 37,000 households with energy advice or energy efficiency measures

  • Home Upgrades

    We are helping our local community stay warm and save money by upgrading the energy efficiency of their homes.

  • Local Power

    Our community-owned renewables are future-proofing our energy needs and benefiting the local community

  • Net Zero Homes

    We're proving that community-owned, net zero affordable homes can be built right now!

  • Engagement

    Changing mindset can change everything - our engagement work raises the profile of local climate action

Become A PEC Supporter

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Latest News

12th Aug 24

Free energy efficiency workshops for community orgs!

Free workshops for community orgs

24th Jul 24

Time to request your share withdrawal

You have until 31st August if you would like to withdraw your shares from our schemes

19th Jul 24

Understanding our retrofit clients

New market research into households investing in retrofit.