Plymouth Energy Community

Priority Services Register

If you are of pensionable age, suffer from long-term ill health, are registered disabled or have a hearing or visual impairment, we can help make sure that you are on the Priority Services Register.

Lady at front door stock image

Each energy supplier has their own Priority Services Register. Simply contact them to see how you go about becoming registered (we can do this on your behalf if needed). If you have a different supplier for gas and electricity, you will have to sign up to both separately.

If you sign up for the register, you’ll receive extra services from energy suppliers that can include:

  • A service that is tailored to your needs – e.g. if you are visually impaired, you can ask to have your meter readings in braille, larger type or even on an audio tape
  • Moving your meter so that it is more easily accessible
  • Adding controls or adaptors to make it easier to use
  • A password protection scheme to offer protection from cold callers
  • Sending your bills to a carer who can help you read and understand them
  • Free quarterly meter readings if you tell your supplier you can’t read it yourself
  • Priority reconnection if your supply is interrupted with plenty of notice if they have to stop your service for any reason
  • Alternative facilities for cooking and heating if your energy supply is interrupted
  • Free advice and information about the services available because of age, disability, illness or impairment

If you’d like further information about the Priority Services Register, simply contact your energy supplier to find out more or call us.


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